Acupuncture For Digestive Issues
Many people have digestive problems but are unable to identify the root of the issue. Using Chinese medicine diagnosis, we can determine which organs need treatment and customize your care to regulate and revitalize your digestive system. Traditional Chinese Medicine can help find and treat the underlying cause of digestive upset or irregularity. Our treatment plan often includes dietary changes using the principles of Eastern and Western nutrition to discover what your digestive system reacts to and how your can modify your diet to reflect the needs of your body.
The digestive system is very delicate, and even slight changes can throw your whole system out of balance. Acupuncture can help by improving your current digestive function as well as setting the stage for more balanced digestive health. Acupuncture can be used for a wide range of diagnosed gastrointestinal issues such as irritable bowel syndrome, Crohn’s disease, and even gallstones. It can also be an effective treatment for postoperative digestive trouble, ulcers, diarrhea, constipation, nausea, and vomiting. For digestive issues, it is important to make sure that blood is flowing well to each of the organs involved in digestion. Reducing inflammation and balancing good and bad bacteria is also a primary focus.
Acupuncture can also be highly effective for indigestion, reflux, GERD, and some types of vomiting symptoms. Treatment for these symptoms involves helping to regulate the small and large intestines in addition to assistant the stomach to regulate acidity. Acupuncture is also an effective treatment for ulcers, which are caused by an accumulation of stomach acid that can cause erosion. Acupuncture can help calm the fire and acid in the stomach, decreasing the recurrence of ulcers and the pain they cause.
Acupuncture For Insomnia And Sleep Disorders
In today's fast paced stressed-out world insomnia and sleep disorders are on the increase. The proverbial good night's sleep seems more elusive than ever. So many people are facing so many sleepless nights, and yet they fear the side effects and addictive nature of sleep medications - as well they should.
Chinese Medicine recognizes the importance of adequate sleep for physical, psychological and spiritual well being. Traditional Chinese Medicine sees insomnia as an imbalance of Heart functions. Stress and poor diet produce stagnation of energy, this stagnation of energy travels as fire to the heart, which is also the repository of the mind and spirit. The damage done by the fire results in insomnia and sleep disorders.
Acupuncture has been used very effectively to treat insomnia, without any of the side effects of prescription or over-the-counter sleep aids. Improved sleep is only one of the benefits reported by people who have used acupuncture to treat insomnia. As in all things acupuncture for insomnia does not just treat a symptom - but deals with the root disharmony in the body causing the condition. Therefore, those who use acupuncture for insomnia achieve not only better sleep, but also an overall improvement of physical and mental health.
Acupuncture For Hay Fever
Acupuncture has been proved to be an effective treatment for hay fever through clinical trials. According to Chinese Medicine theory, hay fever is a condition of atopy (a form of hypersensitivity) and can be successfully treated by using Chinese herbs and acupuncture. Hay fever is usually attributed to a deficiency of Qi (the body’s essential energy) and an invasion of Wind-Heat in the Lung. Symptoms vary from patient to patient and the prescription will be based on the experiences and symptoms of the individual.
According to Chinese Medicine theory generally the aim of the treatment for hay fever will be to open the Lung Qi to expel the Wind-Heat. A herbal treatment prescription can be formulated specifically to a patient’s condition and should be altered as the symptoms change.
As hay fever is fundamentally the result of a weakness in the immune system according to Chinese Medicine theory, acupuncture and Chinese herbal treatment will aim to primarily strengthen it and support the necessary changes in patient’s lifestyle and diet. Regular physical exercises and immune boosting food and herbs are as important as the treatment. A course of 4 weeks of Chinese Medical treatment before the pollen season starts can often prevent hay fever or reduce the severity of its symptoms significantly.

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